Time for You

The Holistic Therapy Room runs a time for you programme offering complimentary one hour treatments to full time carers and touch therapy for those undergoing cancer treatment or in remission.
Whether you care for a loved one, a child or a spouse. We understand the importance of having some respite. And invite you to relax and rejuvenate in one of our peaceful treatment rooms. Choose from any of our 60 minute therapies.
The Holistic Therapy Room are happy to announce they now offer safe and nurturing Touch Therapy Treatments specifically designed for ladies living with or in remission for cancer. Accredited by CMA (complementary medical association) and endorsed by CIBTAC.
Offering a range of Made For Life Organics wellness treatments which provide a window of time allowing you to disconnect from daily stress and re-connect with nature and stillness.
The treatments are akin to a period of meditation, allowing the body to access the parasympathetic state. This is where the heart rate slows down and the brain is encouraged into Alpha-Theta waves. This prompts the mind and body into a ‘state of allowing’ so that body and mind re-connect. This time allows rejuvenation on all levels – mind, body and spirit – including a natural boost to immunity.
The programme is by appointment only.
If you are a full time carer, undergoing cancer treatment or know someone that is. Please contact us to arrange a time.
Email: theholistictherapyroom@manx.net
07624 223399
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